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Current Nisab Value

Last updated 20th March 2025

GOLD (85G)

$13201.35 AUD


$1011.5 AUD

Case Stories
Voices of those in need

Case image
Case | Financial Assistance | Gaza | Single Parent

Starting Over: Hanan’s Journey from Gaza

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Case | Financial Assistance | Elderly | Medical

Elderly Financial Abuse

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Case | Financial Assistant | Widow | Orphans

Overcoming Loss and Rebuilding Her Life

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Case | Family Violence | Domestic Violence | Financial Assistant

Sawsan’s Children

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Case | Single Mother | Bills | Groceries | Rent

A Mother on Her Own

Your support is already making an impact


of Zakat funds distributed in Australia since 2013.


cases received in Australia since 2013


Domestic Violence


Financial Hardship


Homelessness & Housing


Medical Assistance


Refugees, New Migrants, Travellers, Overseas Students


Single Parents, Widows, Orphans, Reverts



Are you in need of help?

Call us on 1300 663 729 or apply online now


Our initiative to address deep-rooted issues and foster long-term growth and well-being of our Australian Muslim community.

Community Welfare

To support and empower those disadvantaged and often stigmatised members of our community as well as raising awareness and being advocates of these causes.

Children & Youth

To empower the next generations from all walks of life to become leaders of our community; to have a better understanding of the pillar of Zakat; to be aware of the challenges that the less advantaged in our community faces and be proactive about it.

Education & Growth

To educate the community about Zakat; to provide relevant educational and growth programs to assist with the broader wellbeing & development of our community; research into relevant aspects that affect the community to help identify areas for improvement.

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All donations above $2 are 100% tax deductible
National Zakat Foundation © 2025