ProgramsE.A.S.E Program

Education & Growth Program

E.A.S.E Program

Empowering Muslims in need by equipping them with job-ready assets.


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Why the E.A.S.E. Pathway program?

One of the ways a person can grow and be empowered is by learning to support and provide for themselves. As the saying goes, ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’. Although short-term immediate assistance is warranted on many occasions, what will truly benefit Muslims in need is by empowering them with the right skills that will enable them to develop as individuals, support themselves and their loved ones, and contribute to the wider community successfully.

Through the E.A.S.E. (Empowerment, Advocacy, Self-sufficiency, Education) Pathway, we aim to transform the Australian Muslim community’s Zakat receivers into Zakat payers, so one day they too can help a Muslim in need while being proud and successful advocates of Islam as professionals in Australia.

Who is this program for?

The E.A.S.E. Pathway is a program designed to support Muslim youth and adults who are looking for employment, or even opportunities to develop and upskill themselves to become job-ready. We hope this program will especially encourage families who are looking for means to support and provide for themselves and dependant members (children) under their care.

Support provided through this program includes, but is not limited to opportunities for professional networking, professional- and personal- development lessons, coaching, mentoring, practice interviews, public speaking opportunities, and more.

Eligibility & Application process

The application and validation process is done by the NZF Team with confidentiality. Any information given will only be used to determine the best way we can help you.

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Join us as a Program or Service Partner!

If you are an individual, company, business, service or organisation, you can become a Program Partner by financially supporting and funding our programs, either through the means of Zakat or Sadaqah.

You can also become a Service Partner by providing essential services such as Quran classes, counselling, mentoring, tutoring etc. for our programs.

Support the E.A.S.E. Pathway


Program Partners

National Zakat Foundation Australia is running the E.A.S.E. Pathway Program in partnership with the below program partners.

Your support can make a difference!

You can share in the rewards by helping us build our programs through your Zakat and generous Sadaqah donations today.

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National Zakat Foundation © 2025