Community Welfare Program
Dignified Ending
Supporting Australian Muslims and their families to prepare for the life Hereafter
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Why the Dignified Ending program?
The process of death, passing and grieving is a natural and normal part of our lives that we constantly face as individuals, families and communities. This makes it all the more important to start preparing and taking steps to ease the burden for ourselves, and especially our loved ones, for that part of life.
As our beloved Prophet ﷺ said, “Those who remember death often and have best prepared for it with good deeds; those are the wisest.” [Source: Sunan Ibn Majah]
By taking heed of this Sunnah, our team at NZF and our collaborating partners have established the Dignified Ending program. Through this program, we hope to provide support services and resources to help all our brothers and sisters to prepare for their end-of-life journey in an Islamic manner. We also intend to provide services for individuals and families to find the strength to cope with any challenges they face in the passing of a loved one.
Who is this program for?
The Dignified Ending program is designed to assist and support all Muslims who are looking to prepare for their end-of-life journey in an Islamic manner. We also hope to help them have a good quality of life knowing that their affairs are sorted in advance and that their families will be given the necessary support in their absence with help of the Muslim community in Australia.
The NZF team will be able to provide access to specialised Islamic services from partners which include Will services, Islamic legal consultancy, death literacy services, along with funeral and burial services which most Muslims may not have access to in the community. Our additional services will include access to emergency financial support, counselling sessions for individuals and/or families with imams, specialised counsellors, and others as per request.
Eligibility & Application Process
The application and validation process is done by the NZF Team with confidentiality. Any information given will only be used to determine the best way we can help you.
Join us as a Program or Service Partner!
If you are an individual, company, business, service or organisation, you can become a Program Partner by financially supporting and funding our programs, either through the means of Zakat or Sadaqah.
You can also become a Service Partner by providing essential services such as Quran classes, counselling, mentoring, tutoring etc. for our programs.
Service Partners
National Zakat Foundation Australia is running the Dignified Ending Program in partnership with the below service partners.