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Service Partner

Ummah Jameelah

Islamic Playgroup Services

About Ummah Jameelah

Ummah Jameelah is a privately run, not-for-profit organisation, founded in 2006. They facilitate playgroups for Muslim children as well as a wide range of activities and events for families. Their services include playgroups for children under 5-years-old along with roster playgroups for preschool aged children. Their facilitators run seven roster playgroup sessions across three venues across Melbourne's North and West.

Partnered Services

Ummah Jameelah will assist NZF by accommodating children from our programs to attend the Islamic playgroups and be a support for those in our community who are looking for a positive support network.

Their playgroup sessions allow children to interact with their peers as well as engaging in a fun, safe and educational environment that embodies Islamic teachings for the children in our community.

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National Zakat Foundation © 2025