About Mohamed Rima Counselling
Mohammed Rima’s mission is to help his clients reach their potential and support them through their personal challenges.
His focus is to help individuals become aware of their inner strengths, overcome their struggles and help them improve their general mental health.
He is a qualified counsellor and trained marriage therapist and is registered with the ACA - Australian Counselling Association.
Practice Areas
- Individual counselling
- Youth counselling
- Family matters and conflict resolution
- Domestic violence support
- Islamic counselling and advice
Marriage Counselling:
- Overcome relationship challenges and difficulties
- Prevent from marital decline
- Improve communication skills and conflict management
- Pre-Marital counselling and marriage planning
- Helping troubled youth family problems
- Career advice
- Islamic programs
Partnered Services
At NZF, we are often assisting those who are most vulnerable in our community. Single parents, those being abused by their partners, those homeless and no-where to go, and more. While financial assistance through Zakat will assist them with their immediate needs to establish safety & security, to truly achieve our mission to transform our community through Zakat, we need to go beyond just financial assistance.
Partners such as Mohamed Rima, enable NZF to go beyond Zakat through their services around counselling & mentoring to both reactively assist those who are struggling in our community but also proactively work with the youth to help better prepare them for the future to avoid falling into such situations in the first place. For example, through programs such as the marriage counselling & workshop sessions, Mohamed Rima addresses many of the mistakes couples might make when getting into a marriage, which will insha Allah help lead to many healthier & happier marriages in our community.
Together, with partners such as Mohamed Rima, we are confident that we can transform our community insha Allah.
Would you like to partner with us?
If you are an individual, company, business, service or organisation, you can become a Program Partner by financially supporting and funding our programs, either through the means of Zakat or Sadaqah.
You can also become a Service Partner by providing essential services such as Quran classes, counselling, mentoring, tutoring etc. for our programs.
Related Programs
The professional counselling and therapy services provided by Mohamed Rima Counselling assists NZF in making these programs a success.