About Imam Yahya Ibrahim
Imam Yahya Ibrahim is Assistant Principal & Imam of Al-Ameen College, Perth. As a registered teacher & educator for 2 decades, he has been at the forefront of teaching Islam to Muslims & non-Muslims around the world.
Imam Yahya Ibrahim is also Curtin University & University of Western Australia's Muslim Chaplain, sits on the Human Research Ethics Committee at St Charles Gairdner Hospital for Western Australian Health Services and is an accredited Mediator (NMAS).
Imam Yahya is a senior instructor for the world-renowned Al Maghrib Institute and has a huge social media footprint.
His initiatives in Australia and internationally include diversity training, cultural sensitivity programs, educational lectures, and media presentations. His expertise is sought by schools, universities, and a wide range of government & non-government organizations.
In recognition of his valuable contribution, Imam Yahya was awarded the West Australian Multicultural Community Service Award for Individual Excellence.
Partnered Services
Growing up, in his early teens Imam Yahya was blessed to find a mentor, Islamic centre and community and family support to assist him in his journey of discovering the beauty of Islam.
The world today is very different and the landscape and acceptance that he had growing up in Canada is not as readily found, anywhere in the world, any more.
So what about our young adults today?
Here is where Imam Yahya has built an exciting Islamic Studies curriculum, geared towards providing a,“Quality Islamic Education for a Future Generation.”
Imam Yahya aims to make all of this programs to always be accessible to all and none will be disadvantaged on account of their financial position. Through his partnership with NZF, clients will be able to access his amazing programs for free, strengthening one-self to be a much stronger servant of Allah first, and play a bigger contributory role in our community.
Would you like to partner with us?
If you are an individual, company, business, service or organisation, you can become a Program Partner by financially supporting and funding our programs, either through the means of Zakat or Sadaqah.
You can also become a Service Partner by providing essential services such as Quran classes, counselling, mentoring, tutoring etc. for our programs.
Related Programs
Beneficiaries of the below programs will be benefiting from the programs that Imam Yahya runs. This will allow people like single mothers, victims of domestic violence, those with disabilities preventing them from being able to access such programs and many more to benefit from his knowledge.