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Service Partner

HealthBridge Investments

Investment Fund Managers

About HealthBridge Investments

HealthBridge Investments (Pty Ltd) is an investment management company that brings together a professional team who have a diverse background in the medical, pharmaceutical and funds management industries.

As the fund manager, they provide capital to support healthcare professionals who are serving the community to promote health and wellness and an improved quality of life for all. Pharmacies, Medical Centres and Clinics are an important link in meeting the local healthcare needs of our community.

Partnered Services

NZF’s vision is for Islam to flourish in society as a source of prosperity and harmony for all. To be able to achieve this, we need our community to be one that is confident, self-sustainable and pious.

With HealthBridge Investments as one of our investment partners, we aim to ensure that beneficiaries from the Endless Rewards (Waqf) program have the opportunity to invest ethically in the healthcare industry for people who need it most.

Would you like to partner with us?

If you are an individual, company, business, service or organisation, you can become a Program Partner by financially supporting and funding our programs, either through the means of Zakat or Sadaqah.

You can also become a Service Partner by providing essential services such as Quran classes, counselling, mentoring, tutoring etc. for our programs.

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Related Programs

The guidance and services provided by HealthBridge Investments assists NZF in making these programs a success.

Your support can make a difference!

You can share in the rewards by helping us build our programs through your Zakat and generous Sadaqah donations today.

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All donations above $2 are 100% tax deductible
National Zakat Foundation © 2025