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Service Partner

Female Futsal League


About Female Futsal League

Female Futsal League (FFL) is an independent organisation providing females from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds a chance to partake in the game of futsal. Founded by Afifa Saad, FFL aims to expand the sport to females by providing an exclusive all-female environment to help females develop their futsal skills.

FFL caters to females from the ages of 5 and above with varying skills as they strive to develop a professional environment that allows females to improve their skills and performance.

As a female-based league, it is strictly restricted to female participants, facilitators, and spectators; with the exception of males under the age of 7.  FFL’s vision is to increase female participation in the game of futsal by providing them the freedom to play and pursue this avenue that does not conflict with their cultural or religious beliefs.

Partnered Services

Female Futsal League will assist our NZF female youth and adult clients by giving them the opportunity to develop resilience, discipline, and confidence in playing futsal amongst their peers.

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You can also become a Service Partner by providing essential services such as Quran classes, counselling, mentoring, tutoring etc. for our programs.

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National Zakat Foundation © 2025