About Diverse Waka
Diverse Waka is a Revert Support Group located in Australia and New Zealand. Waka is the Maori word for canoe, as many of the attendees of this group are Maori, Polynesian and New Zealand reverts.
Diverse Waka started as a Maori support revert group for organised gathering's, support, and connection. As time went by the group grew and more reverts from different cultures joined, so a name change was needed that reflected who they are and gave a sense of inclusion and identity.
In a "waka canoe" people are all rowing together as one to a destination, that destination is to row towards Allah and Jannah Inshallah.
ICMG are currently providing Diverse waka, online and face to face, weekly religious study and support, at Brunswick Mosque in Melbourne Victoria.
Diverse wakas’ mission is to support one another, through either picking up the phone to reach out and touch base or grab a coffee. They organise social activities and excursions regularly.
Partnered Services
Diverse Waka will assist NZF New Muslim clients by providing support and empowering men and women from our community with a positive social network.
Would you like to partner with us?
If you are an individual, company, business, service or organisation, you can become a Program Partner by financially supporting and funding our programs, either through the means of Zakat or Sadaqah.
You can also become a Service Partner by providing essential services such as Quran classes, counselling, mentoring, tutoring etc. for our programs.
Related Programs
Diverse Waka is a service partner for our programs below.