About Bureau Of Islamic Marriage & Counselling Australia
The Bureau of Islamic Marriage & Counselling Australia offers a wide range of services such as:
• Islamic Counselling
• Islamic Marriage / Nikah
• Civil Marriage
• Marriage Resolution
• Islamic Divorce / Talaq
• Quranic Healing / Ruqya
• Spiritual fulfilment
Islamic counselling, which is a therapeutic process aimed at resolving personal issues by engaging in open discussions and seeking guidance from both a professional counsellor and sheikh/Imam, holds the primary objective of assisting the client in a constructive manner by providing support, understanding, and spiritual guidance.
The role of the counsellor and the Imam in this context is pivotal. The counsellor, who possesses professional training in therapy and psychology, works with the client to identify and clarify the challenges they are facing. Through active listening and empathy, the counsellor helps the individual explore various options and potential solutions to their problems.
On the other hand, the Imam or sheikh brings the spiritual dimension into the counselling process. They provide Islamic teachings, wisdom, and insights that can help the client align their life with Islamic principles and values. This spiritual aspect is essential for individuals seeking guidance and solace from their faith while addressing their personal struggles.
By combining psychological techniques with spiritual support, Islamic counselling aims to foster self-awareness and personal growth in the individual. Clients are encouraged to develop strategies that allow them to cope effectively with life's challenges while staying true to their religious beliefs. The ultimate goal of Islamic counselling is to guide clients towards a stronger connection with Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) and as a result, achieve success in both their worldly endeavours (Dunya) and their religious pursuits (Deen).
This approach recognises the holistic nature of human beings, acknowledging that mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects are interconnected. By integrating Islamic principles into the therapeutic process, individuals can find healing, build resilience, and enhance their overall well-being.
It is important to note that Islamic counselling is not solely restricted to Muslims, and individuals from various faith backgrounds may also benefit from its inclusive and spiritual approach to therapy. The emphasis on faith-based guidance and psychological support offers a unique and valuable approach to addressing personal challenges and fostering personal growth.
If you find yourself in need of counselling, we at the Islamic Marriage & Counselling Victoria, provide a wide range of counselling services tailored to meet your specific needs. Counselling, as a popular form of therapy, offers a non-intrusive approach to tackle a variety of challenges and concerns. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking professional support in navigating through life's difficulties and finding the balance in religion.
Partnered Services
Bureau Of Islamic Marriage & Counselling Australia will assist NZF clients to access marriage services including counselling.
Would you like to partner with us?
If you are an individual, company, business, service or organisation, you can become a Program Partner by financially supporting and funding our programs, either through the means of Zakat or Sadaqah.
You can also become a Service Partner by providing essential services such as Quran classes, counselling, mentoring, tutoring etc. for our programs.
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