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Service Partner


Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

About AusRelief

AusRelief is a relief, development, and advocacy Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) that is dedicated to alleviating poverty, sickness & under development using intelligent short & long term self-sustainability solutions. Their local and international services focus on giving people the skills and resources to become fisherman instead of just handing the fish to them whole.

Partnered Services

AusRelief will assist NZF by accommodating our clients suffering from drug, alcohol, and other addictions with a tailored program, that will meet their cultural and religious needs.

AusRelief’s local initiatives include a grocery drive in partnership with Woolworths and Coles where essential food packs are assembled and distributed to families in need and at most risk in our communities. They also run the first of its kind 180Relief Rehabilitation program. 180Relief is focused on providing a holistic approach for individuals and families. Unique to 180Relief services is the around-the-clock case management service for both the individuals suffering from addiction as well as their families.

Would you like to partner with us?

If you are an individual, company, business, service or organisation, you can become a Program Partner by financially supporting and funding our programs, either through the means of Zakat or Sadaqah.

You can also become a Service Partner by providing essential services such as Quran classes, counselling, mentoring, tutoring etc. for our programs.

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Related Programs

AusRelief is a service partner for our programs below.

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National Zakat Foundation © 2025