About AlBayan Institute
AlBayan Institute is an Islamic educational institute dedicated to promoting the importance & application of an Islamic lifestyle in the Australian Muslim community.
Partnered Services
NZF’s vision is for Islam to flourish in society as a source of prosperity and harmony for all. To be able to achieve this, we need our community to be one that is confident, self-sustainable and pious.
Al Bayan Institute will assist NZF with providing Quran classes as well as their holiday programs for beneficiaries from the Brighter Futures (Orphans) and Recite to Rise (Quran) programs.
Would you like to partner with us?
If you are an individual, company, business, service or organisation, you can become a Program Partner by financially supporting and funding our programs, either through the means of Zakat or Sadaqah.
You can also become a Service Partner by providing essential services such as Quran classes, counselling, mentoring, tutoring etc. for our programs.
Related Programs
The partnership with Al-Bayan Institute allows NZF to further extend our services through the below programs