Turning her life around while he is in prison

May 16, 2020

Catherine met Samir at a club. This was 3 years ago when Samir was involved in vices that he has since turned away from. Samir was entangled in a web of drugs and alcohol and he was struggling to get away from them. He always knew that Islam prohibited these, but it was only recently that he started making a conscious effort to get out. Through Samir, Catherine learnt a lot about Islam. To the extent that she converted to Islam and subseqently married Samir in 2019.

Catherine was Samir's pillar of strength. As he was battling with his addictions and trying to make new friends, an old court case found him guilty and sent Samir to prison. All of a sudden Catherine was left without an income and debts that Samir owed, with people threatening her unless she paid.

Catherine wished she could get rid of the debt, move to a new locality and find a new home before Samir was released from prison to give them both a chance at a new life; one that is pleasing to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala She heard about NZF through some revert groups and reached out to us for help.

Once we received the case, we spoke to Catherine to understand her situation better. It was clear that she was trying really hard to keep a positive mindset about Islam and turn both her and Samir's lives around. She was hardworking, and was doing everything she could to be financially responsible but the debts from Samir's previous life were holding them down.

We assisted her with funds towards settling the debts and towards the bond & first months rent once she had found a new place to rent. We also provided her with food vouchers & connected her to revert groups that she can benefit from.

Catherine is well on her way to being able to provide Samir with that much needed new start on life once he's released from prison.

We pray that Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala forgives their sins, keeps them steadfast and makes them from among the pious to enter Janatul Firdaus. Ameen.

Names and places may have been changed to protect the identity of clients where appropriate.

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