Trapped & Helpless

September 14, 2022

Asma arrived in Australia with her husband, full of hope for a better life. She was a mother of three, and everything seemed great before her arrival. However, everything changed when they reached their new home.

Her husband’s behavior started to change; he began to neglect her, and then the abuse started. Asma’s husband, who had never been violent before, had slapped her for the first time. She was confused and devastated, wondering how her loving husband could have become such a monster.

Dependant on her Visa and a mother of three small children, Asma didn't have anywhere to turn when the violence from her husband began to escalate. He would often beat her and terrorise the children, spending more and more time away from home. Asma felt trapped and helpless, with no way to escape the situation she was in.

Asma was desperate to leave her husband but kept getting advice to be patient and hang on. But one day it was enough. Asma decided to separate from her husband. She couldn’t bear more humiliation, torture, and violence. After her separation, Asma was placed in a women’s refuge. This place wasn’t paradise but at least her and her children were safe.

Asma's case was referred to NZF for help with daily support as she was not eligible for any government assistance. Asma was placed under the care of NZF's Healing Forward program which helps victims of domestic and family violence.

NZF also provided ongoing financial support in the form of clothing, food vouchers and everyday living expenses. Additionally, we helped connect Asma to NZF’s Service Partner, Arise Foundation where they run a program to upskill Asma in English and make her job ready. Through NZF's program, Asma was able to receive the help and support she needed to heal and move forward.

Your continued Zakat and Sadaqah to National Zakat Foundation, empower us to support women like Asma who are not protected by their husbands. Please continue to donate and support local communities in Australia for a better tomorrow.

Names and places may have been changed to protect the identity of clients where appropriate.

Healing Forward (Domestic & Family Violence)

The Healing Forward program is to raise awareness, assist survivors of domestic and family violence, which includes both men & women as well as children under their care that they simply do not have the means to provide for.

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