Overcoming Loss and Rebuilding Her Life

February 28, 2025

Jamila, a 31-year-old widow with five orphaned children, faced many challenges after moving to Australia on a humanitarian visa. Originally from a refugee camp, she had already experienced great loss, with her husband and brother passing away in the conflict from where she's originally from.

Upon arrival in Australia, she was temporarily housed in a hotel before moving in with her in-laws. But as space became limited, she had to find a new place to call home.

Settling into her new home was a struggle. While she managed to secure a roof over her family’s head, Jamila was in need of basic furniture: a fridge, washing machine, cabinets, and couches. Unfortunately, her Centrelink payments didn’t stretch far enough to cover these necessities to start a new life with her children.

That’s when she reached out to us at NZF. Your Zakat provided her with the support she needed to purchase essential items for her home. This assistance gave her the ability to focus on caring for her children, knowing that her immediate needs were met.

Jamila is now able to settle into her new home and begin to build a better future for her family.

All names and places have been changed to protect the identity of clients.

Brighter Futures (Orphans)

Supporting our Yateem (orphans) to ensure they can progress and enjoy life like other children.

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