Think this can't happen to you?

July 29, 2020

Farah was an ambitious young girl. She aspired to study overseas and got admissions into a university in Australia. Her husband was running a successful business and would not be able to travel with her but he was very supportive and encouraged her to take up the two year course in Australia. Finances were not a problem as Farah's husband would be able to cover her tuition fees and also send her around 3,000 AUD per month for her living expenses which would be sufficient.

With that sorted, Farah came to Australia in July 2019 to commence her Masters degree. Within a month of being in Australia, Farah found out she was pregnant. She was slightly worried as she was alone in Australia but with the support of friends and the university, Farah decided to stay and continue her course. She planned to go back to her home country to have her baby and perhaps take a short break and resume her course later.

All of a sudden the COVID pandemic occurred. Due to the travel restrictions, Farah realised she would need to have the baby in Australia. A couple of months later, Farah had a successful delivery and was now a young mother in a new country. Unfortnately things started going downhill as her husband's business started declining due to COVID and he was working hard to continue sending her the money she needed but he has been unable to send sufficient funds for the past month. She is now running out of funds, and is worried about getting evicted as she is behind by a month on rent.

Farah reached out to the local Masjid who referred her to NZF. She was crying and was extremely emabarassed to ask for help as she did not once fathom she could be in this situation. She has some funds back home but is unable to access it due to all businesses being closed due to COVID. Farah is also determined to finish her degree else all the effort and money they have spent on this would go to waste. Farah was confused and not sure how her situation would change until the COVID situation improved.

Our team is working with Farah to assist her with her immediate needs for rental and food so she has a safe place to stay and look after her young daughter as she is currently stranded in Australia with no funds and no access to any benefits being on a student visa. Since 2013, we have assisted over 1,000 people similar to Farah who are stranded in Australia and go through a temporary period of emergency need.

Allah in His Infinite Wisdom has specified Travellers to be one of the eligible categories for Zakat and this is how your local Zakat helps alleviate the situation that people like Farah may unexpectedly find themselves in. Thank you for paying your Zakat locally.

Names and places may have been changed to protect the identity of clients where appropriate.

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