A New Start
Emir faced tough times when he emerged from rehab, leaving behind addiction. Living with his young sister, brother and elderly father, his family wanted a fresh start in a safer place, away from his past friends who still posed a risk to his wellbeing. With their elderly father depending on them, Emir’s family was referred to NZF through a Service Partner who was assisting Emir with his recovery.
Following a Zakat eligibility assessment, NZF provided the funds needed for a new rental along with groceries and settling overdue bills. In their new home, Emir’s family found the support they needed to rebuild their lives and start anew.
Emir’s journey showcased the importance of assistance and a new beginning, proving that local Zakat truly makes a difference in someone's life and those around them.
If you or someone you know is experiencing hardship and you're unsure whether you/they are eligible for Zakat, please don't hesitate to contact us at NZF for assistance.